Welcome messages from the Florida AWWA, Florida WEA and WEF

Our colleagues at the FSAWWA, FWEA and WEF have kindly offered the below welcome messages to our symposium attendees.  Attendees will be able to find out more about theses fine technical associations at their booths in our exhibit hall.  The symposium committee wishes to extend their thanks and appreciation to the Florida Section of the AWWA, Florida Water Environment Association, and the Water Environment Federation for their ongoing help and support with our symposium.


Florida Section of the AWWA

The Florida Section of American Water Works Association (FSAWWA) is proud to be a co sponsor of the 2012 Water / Wastewater and Automatic Control Symposium which will be held at the Holiday Inn Castle Resort in Orlando, Florida from August 7-9, 2012. I encourage all FSAWWA members to attend to get a better understanding on how instrumentation, SCADA, and the automation control application affects our water treatment and distribution systems. This is a perfect opportunity to get CEU’s credits, a better understanding of the automatic control applications, and networking opportunities within the industry. We are looking forward to seeing you in Orlando!

Yours truly,
Rick S. Ratcliffe
Florida Section
American Water Works Association

Florida Water Environment Federation

The Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA) is pleased to be a cosponsor of the 2012 Water/Wastewater and Automated Controls Symposium, which will be held at the Holiday Inn Castle Resort in Orlando, FL from August 7-9, 2012.  I encourage all FWEA members to take advantage of the reduced FWEA registration fee and consider attending the Symposium to get a better understanding of how instrumentation, SCADA, and automation control applications affect our wastewater collection and treatment systems.  There will also be ample opportunities to network with other colleagues in our profession at the Symposium.

Warmest regards,
Paul Pinault, P.E.
Florida Water Environment Association

Water Environment Federation

On behalf of the Water Environment Federation (WEF), it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 2012 ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium. We believe that the Symposium has an extraordinary technical program thanks to the efforts the symposium’s program and organizing committees.  We are pleased to be a technical co-sponsor of this year’s symposium, and promoting stronger ties between the ISA and WEF. We also welcome you to attend WEFTEC 2012 this fall in New Orleans, where several of the WWAC symposium presentations will be showcased at a special WEFTEC session. We encourage all members of the water community to participate in both larger vertical-events like WEFTEC and in focused niche events like the ISA WWAC symposium as together they have a lot of offer.

Barry Liner, Ph.D., P.E.
Director, Water Science & Engineering Center
Water Environment Federation

About GrahamNasby

Director, ISA Water/Wastewater Technical Division ---- Graham Nasby, P.Eng., PMP is a senior I&C Engineer with Eramosa Engineering Inc. His areas of expertise include instrumentation, control systems design, electrical design, project execution and plant start-ups. He is also subject matter expert in alarm management and works extensively in the municipal water/wastewater sector. Graham was the chair of the 2012 and 2013 ISA water/wastewater symposiums. Graham lives in Guelph, Ontario, Canada and can be contacted at: graham.nasby@grahamnasby.com .