Welcome Messages

  • Kevin Patel – General Symposium Chair
  • Joe Provenzano – Program Committee Chair
  • Graham Nasby – Director, ISA Water/Wastewater Division
  • Carl Larrabee – Florida Section of the AWWA
  • Kartik Vaith – Florida Water Environment Association
  • Barry Liner – WEF Water Science & Engineering Center
  • Saeed Assef – Instrumentation Testing Association

General Symposium Chair

Kevin Patel, 2014 General Symposium Chair

It is my pleasure to welcome you to our 2014 ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium. Now in its ninth year, we again anticipate record attendance numbers.

Thanks to our strong partnerships with the WEF Automation and Info Tech Committee, the Florida Section of the AWWA, the Florida Water Environment Association, and the Instrumentation Testing Association, we have tailored this year’s conference specifically to the needs of automation professionals in the water and wastewater sectors.  I would also like to thank our many sponsors, exhibitors, and committee volunteers for being instrumental to our success this year.

We have a strong program planned this year, with over 30 technical speakers, a keynote address, two invited speakers, and two guest speakers. We also have a packed exhibit hall, a great general reception, and top notch catering lined up. Don’t forget to also check out our plant tour and the optional training courses on SCADA cyber security and control system troubleshooting.  I look forward to meeting all of you at this year’s symposium.

Kevin Patel, PE, MBA
General Symposium Chair
2014 ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium


Program Committee Chair

Joe Provenzano, 2014 Program  Committee Chair

On behalf of the entire program committee, I would like to formally welcome you to this year’s 2014 WWAC Symposium. Our focus is to help professionals in the water and wastewater industries gain a greater understanding of how automatic control applications, utilizing the latest in instrumentation and intelligent controls technology, can be applied to improve both process measurement water and wastewater processing, collection, treatment, and distribution.

Our symposium is a three day event where attendees will experience a breath of learning and continuing education opportunities. Our symposium starts with two optional training courses on SCADA cyber security and hands-on troubleshooting of instrumentation and control systems. This is followed by early-bird symposium badge-pick up and a plant tour.  Then we have two full days dedicated to technical presentations. In addition to our 30+ technical speakers, we have an informative keynote opening,  invited speakers, and guest speakers are part of our program.

I also encourage you to visit our exhibit hall, talk with our sponsors, and network with your fellow attendees.  From these interactions you will find out about new techniques, products and approaches to your daily automation challenges.

We are pleased to welcome the full range of automation professionals in our sector to our symposium.  This includes both plant people, including operations, maintenance, engineering and management, as well as plant designers, instrumentation specialists, and system integration firms. Please take advantage of the professional development opportunities afforded to you by our symposium.  If you are a Florida resident, make sure to fill out the paperwork to get your FDEP-approved CEUs/PDHs.  If you are from out of state, or have an ISA CCST or CAP certification, don’t forget to request your ISA training certificate.

Come join us!

Joe Provenzano
Program Committee Chair
2014 ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium

ISA Water/Wastewater Division

Graham Nasby photoAs director of the ISA water/wastewater division, it is my pleasure to welcome attendees to this year’s 2014 WWAC Symposium.  At our annual symposium, now in its 9th year, attendees have the opportunity to see over 30 technical presentations, learn from high quality training courses, and browse our exhibit hall. The symposium, along with the division’s quarterly newsletter, website, and student scholarship program form part of the key service offers provided by the ISA water/wastewater division to our members and the automation community at large.  I look forward to seeing you at this year’s symposium!

Graham Nasby, P.Eng., PMP
ISA Water/Wastewater Division, International Society of Automation (ISA)



Florida Section of the AWWA

CarlLarrabee_FSAWWAThe Florida Section of American Water Works Association (FSAWWA) is proud to be a co sponsor of the 2014 Water / Wastewater and Automatic Control Symposium which will be held at the Crowne Plaza Universal-Orlando Hotel in Orlando, Florida from August 5-7, 2014. I encourage all FSAWWA members to attend to get a better understanding on how instrumentation, SCADA, and the automation control application affects our water treatment and distribution systems. This is a perfect opportunity to get Florida DEP-approved CEUs and PDHs, a better understanding of the automatic control applications, and networking opportunities within the industry. We are looking forward to seeing you in Orlando!

Yours truly,
Carl Larrab ee
Florida Section
American Water Works Association

Florida Water Environment Federation

KartikVaith_FWEAThe Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA) is pleased to be a cosponsor of the 2014 Water/Wastewater and Automated Controls Symposium, which will be held at the Crowne Plaza Orlando-Universal Hotel in Orlando, FL from August 5-7, 2014.  I encourage all FWEA members to take advantage of the reduced FWEA registration fee and consider attending the Symposium to get a better understanding of how instrumentation, SCADA, and automation control applications affect our wastewater collection and treatment systems.  There will also be ample opportunities to network with other colleagues in our profession at the Symposium.

Warmest regards,
Kartik Vaith
Florida Water Environment Association

Water Environment Federation

On behalf of the Water Environment Federation (WEF), it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 2014 ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium. We believe that the Symposium has an extraordinary technical program thanks to the efforts the symposium’s program and organizing committees.  We are pleased to be a technical co-sponsor of this year’s symposium, and promoting stronger ties between the ISA and WEF. We also welcome you to attend WEFTEC 2014 this fall in New Orleans, where several of the WWAC symposium presentations will be showcased at a special WEFTEC session and the ISA will have Automation Island pavilion on the exhibit floor. We encourage all members of the water community to participate in both larger vertical-events like WEFTEC and in focused niche events like the ISA WWAC symposium as together they have a lot of offer.

Barry Liner, Ph.D., P.E.
Director, Water Science & Engineering Center
Water Environment Federation

Instrumentation Testing Association

SaeedAssef_headshotThe Instrumentation Testing Association (ITA) is delighted to be a technical co-sponsor of this year’s 2014 Water/Wastewater and Automated Controls Symposium.   Instrumentation plays a vital role in the effective treatment of wastewater. The symposium provides an ideal forum to discuss instrumentation best practices, lessons learned and new technologies. The ITA rounds out this experience by providing unbiased 3rd party testing reports on instrumentation products, to help the end-users make intelligent instrumentation purchasing decisions.  I encourage all instrumentation professionals to participate in the symposium and learn more about the many products and services that ISA and ITA have to offer.

Warmest Regards,
Saeed Assef
Instrumentation Testing Association